Frictional Goes To MOCKBA

The 17th this month me and Jens took a plane from Copenhagen to Moscow where we met up with Fredrick and Susana from Paradox Interactive. The whole point of the journey was to meet the Russian publisher of Penumbra, “Snowball”, and to hold a talk on Frictional Games and the production of Black Plague at a Russian game conferance called КРИ (That’s KRI for all you non-cryllians).

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Reviews and what not

Down here in the very south and sunny part of Sweden we have had a quite snow free winter, until today… For some reason a “blizzard” is roaming outside today and what could be better to do on a day such as this than to read a couple of reviews?

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Multiple Views

This time I have finally implemented the single largest change in design for the new engine – the Viewport. The last engine really only had one world and one camera that could be active for the frame to be rendered and this was something I wanted to change for HPL2.

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P sychological

These days in-between projects I spend most of my time doing administrative tasks, writing mails, news and such activities. It’s quite a nice break from the production tasks that are mainly gameplay scripting and audio design, but at times the administrative tasks can be quite scary, even haunting if you so wish.

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