The audio engine in Penumbra: Overture has been redone to utilize OpenAL.
Happy Hollidays!
The last news post for the year will be a short one. First, we at Frictional Games would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday!
Physics video & Developers diary
During the Adventure Developers Online Conference we released a video demonstrating the physics interaction we have developed for Penumbra: Overture. It also offers a first peak at in-game gameplay from the game.
Adventure Developers Online Conference 2006
Adventure Developers Online Conference 2006 will start on Monday the 27th. Frictional Games will of course be there.
Media coverage October & new screen
The month of October has been a busy month for us, especially with media relations! So for all those interested we have a quite nice list of high profile sites that have done interviews and features on Penumbra: Overture.
Penumbra: Overture website & publisher announced
Today we launch the new Penumbra: Overture web-site. It’s a small but informative site that will keep you up-to-date with the latest information, media and happenings regarding Penumbra: Overture.
New blog post, some reviews and more importantly…
For all those craving to take a closer look at the inner workings of Penumbras engine, HPL, there is now a new blog post.
Media round-up & developers wiki is back
After over a month of hoping we can gladly report that our developers wiki is back up and running.
Penumbra – Overture
We proudly announce that a commercial version of Penumbra, named Penumbra – Overture, is in the works.
It’s a scientific fact
We have had our suspicions and finally after much research, calculations and chart drawing we now have the proof.
Penumbra is the most downloaded horror game of all time!