Originally posted by Jens.
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A month ago a special preview build was sent out to magazines and last week the same build was sent out to online magazines. We are very happy to be able to tell you about two previews already!
Visit the ever so expanding gaming site HEXUS to read their 4 page preview. Warning, contains some puzzle spoilers.
“Although Penumbra Overture is billed as a first person action game it also incorporates challenging puzzles and the combining of items in your inventory in order to reach a solution. This gameplay style, more commonly seen in point and click adventures, and the combination of combat and physics interaction, make Penumbra Overture unlike any other game we’ve personally experienced.”
The EDGE preview is only available in the magazine. If you have not purchased a copy of EDGE before, issue 172 is a great one to start with!
“Perhaps because it’s astounding that such a physically astute game could have been developed by just four people, especially considering how recently a team of ten times the size would have struggled to produce a world as complex as the one you explore here.”