Since many seemed to enjoy the parallax mapping showed off in the material editor, I just wanted to show off the more advanced way of doing it and also giving some explanations.
I’m a Material Boy
Here’s the HPL Material Editor, our latest addition to the tool suite. This is what we use to create, edit and preview materials with. In a nutshell, a material is what’s gonna determine how an object is going to look like in the engine.
Puzzles in horror games Part 5: Things to consider when designing puzzles
Figuring out a good puzzle is often a hard and tricky process. Sometimes a puzzles presents itself from story and environment naturally, but more often it is put in just to add some gameplay and/or slow the player down.
Puzzles in horror games Part 4: Backtracking and why it is essential
The fourth part in the puzzle series will be about a specific “feature” that I am sure you are all aware of. Backtracking