From the makers of the Penumbra series comes a brand new survival horror game, Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Today we are happy to announce the release of the game’s web site and a first look at actual in-game footage, in the form of a horrifying teaser.
Closer look at Teaser and more
After a lot of work we are finally done with the teaser! Hope you all enjoy it! In case you have not seen the teaser yet then do so before continuing with this post:
Exploring Deeper Meaning In Games
This post aims to be a deeper look at my earlier rant about meaning, narrative (plot) and gameplay. After considering feedback and thinking about it some more I would now like to write a more constructive text. In this post I will outline some steps and ways of thinking that I think are needed in order to achieve deeper and more varied meaning in games. “Deeper meaning” is of course a highly subjective thing, but what I mean is simply games where the core is not just about a gameplay mechanic, showing entertaining gore or similar. Instead, the focus should be on exploring something other than pure “fun”.
Alpha – the beginning of the end!
Yesterday, after several weeks of grueling 15 hour (kid you not) days, we finally reached a really important milestone here at Frictional Games. It’s by far the most important milestone we have reached so far and might be the most important milestone of the entire project!