The Dead Island Trailer and the Future of Games

By now most of you have probably seen the teaser trailer for Dead Island. This trailer has been getting tons of attention over the Internet and many seem to think that it is one of the best game trailers ever. I find that this is quite interesting, since just about everything that makes the trailer good are things that modern video games lack. I would even go as far as to say that a video game made using modern gameplay-centric design could never create something that gives the same experience.

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Physics and Heightmaps

When I thought that all problems with heightmaps was over, I stumbled upon something sort of tricky recently. The only thing I had left for heightmaps was to add physics to them. This seemed easy to do as it was basically just a matter of sending the raw heightmap data to the physics engine (newton game dynamics) However just as I had done this I realized that this was not enough: the terrain could have many different physical properties at different places (a spot with dirt, one with rock, etc).

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Tech Feature: Undergrowth

After a little break with updates on the rendering system, holidays and super secret stuff, I could finally get back to terrain rendering this week. This meant work on the final big part of the terrain system: Undergrowth. This is basically grass and any kind of small vegetation close to the ground.

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Embracing Hardness

I am not very fond of new year’s resolutions, but I will make one anyway: From here on, I promise myself to never take the simple way, but always take the hard one, when making game. This might seem a bit weird, so let me explain myself.

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