Aaron Clifford: 3D Artist

Hello! I’m Aaron Clifford, one of the artists here at Frictional Games. Right now there are four of us artists and I’m relatively new around here. I started collaborating with Frictional back in April 2012 as a contractor, making props and other smaller bits for SOMA. A few months later I was brought on to the team full-time and, as they say, the rest is history.

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People of Frictional: Luis Rodero

Hi! I’m Luis Rodero, and I’m the target of all nagging and the shoulder to cry on when everything goes to hell. In other words I’m the tools programmer here at Frictional. I started back in 2006 (that’s a while!) as a contributor; I made a few minor additions to the HPL Engine and then not-so-minor ones (like the OpenAL implementation that was added back in the day). I was hired for full-time work in 2008, when work on Amnesia had just started

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Alien: Isolation and The Two Hardest Problems in Horror

So I recently saw this reaction video to Alien Isolation and I thought it showcased a few interesting problems with horror games. These are not issues that are specific to this game, but that plague horror games in general. We’ve had these problems in all of our games and are currently trying avoid them as much as possible in our upcoming game, SOMA. So I’m not trying to take a shot at Alien Isolation here (I’m looking forward to playing it!) but the video demonstrated these issues so clearly that it’s worth focusing on it for this article. That said, let’s move on to the two hardest problems in horror.

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