SOMA has been a long journey. For roughly five years I’ve worked on Simon, Catherine, and the others who in some way inhabits the world of SOMA. The game has changed a lot over the years, not just in gameplay and plot, but in tone as well. I think one of the most grounding and solidifying aspects of creating the characters for SOMA has been giving them an actual actor’s voice.
Hiring: Producer / Project Manager
Frictional is looking for a producer / project manager to employ full time.
New SOMA Trailer and Launch Statistics
SOMA launched on September 22nd for PC and PS4 to the frightened delight of horror fans everywhere. Today, Frictional Games is releasing a new trailer highlighting some of the game’s terrifying moments with reactions from the press.
SOMA – 10 days after launch
SOMA has now been out in the wild for 10 day so it felt fitting to write a summary of how things have gone so far.