Today we released a little video that show of the physics in Amnesia: The Dark Descent. You can find the clip right below and below that I will go through the various parts a bit more detailed.
Alpha – the beginning of the end!
Yesterday, after several weeks of grueling 15 hour (kid you not) days, we finally reached a really important milestone here at Frictional Games. It’s by far the most important milestone we have reached so far and might be the most important milestone of the entire project!
Time for a smallish update
This time I won’t show a new tool, but a new feature for our good old Level Editor: Decals. These are used mainly to add nice details to the level without much sweat. Here is a little video demonstrating how these can be used.
Parallax trix
Since many seemed to enjoy the parallax mapping showed off in the material editor, I just wanted to show off the more advanced way of doing it and also giving some explanations.
I’m a Material Boy
Here’s the HPL Material Editor, our latest addition to the tool suite. This is what we use to create, edit and preview materials with. In a nutshell, a material is what’s gonna determine how an object is going to look like in the engine.
Playing around with particles (not related to the LHC in any way)
Now for another lookie at our powerful arsenal of tools. This time I’m showing the Particle Editor, which is the app we use to do those nifty particle effects like fire, smoke and so on… you can get really nice stuff by using this thing.
The tools of the trade
Hi everyone! As my first post in the blog, I feel like I needed to do a little introduction. I’m Luis, I’m not that known compared to the 2 visible heads around here but I’m the other programmer here at Frictional, maybe some of you might know me from the forum, but I kinda vanished from there a while ago… But I’m here again, and this time I promise to be a little more constant than before, which shouldn’t be that hard
Unknown in-game teaser & screens
Today we are releasing a first teaser of our upcoming survival horror game, “Unknown”. The video gives a quick demonstration of the mood and style we are aiming for, as well as demonstrating the maturity of the in-house developed HPL2 game engine.
Coping with Optimizing
We have been pretty bad at updating this work log, mostly because we have had so darn much to do. However we want to mend that and start writing more frequently from now on!
Level editor demo
Right, I finally got around to do a video that shows how you use the Level Editor for the new game and then test the newly created level.