For a couple of months now I have, on and off, worked on some basic tech aspects for the engine. Everytime I was done with one of these I thought it was among the hardest things I would do for the new engine, yet the next feature as always proved more challenging. Terrain geometry was harder to implement than sun shadows, terrain texturing harder than geometry, and so on. Implementing the script system is no different.
Penumbra: Overture goes Open Source!
It has been in our minds for quite some time and now finally it has become reality: Penumbra:Overture and the HPL1 Engine are now open source! In case that is all you need to know, then head straight to: to get your hands on it!
Maps with s-tile
This post was meant to talk a bit about the Level Editor, but first I need to tell you about something you might not know… and it’s called tilemapping.
Happy Holidays!
Another year soon at an end and here at Frictional we are closing to take a nice vacation until the beginning of next year. Time really goes by fast as on Thursday next week Frictional Games will turn two years old!
Texture Atlas
The texture atlas was one of the first thing that I implemented in the engine. It was actually something I started working on the day work started for Energetic, which also means the code is a bit messy So I decided an update was needed.