The voiceovers are an area that has received more attention in Black Plague than it did in our previous Overture game. In Overture we had one character speaking to the player through a radio, in Black Plague this has been extended to around five characters speaking to him through various media. As we are working with a small budget we have not done any animated and synced characters. This is also a design choice as we believe horror is created by being lonely and isolated in an unknown territory, so don’t expect any friendly chats over a cup of tea!
Preview extravaganza and part two of our dev diary
To get the new year rolling we have a bunch of previews to report about, suiting for English as well as German speaking readers.
HaptX edition released, Novint Falcon review & Frictional Games interview
Just in time for the Holidays the HaptX edition of Penumbra: Overture was released and is available for purchase over at N Vent store.
A preview and new screens
New screens of Penumbra: Black Plague was released today!
New teaser and previews
Yesterday the first actual trailer of Penumbra: Black Plague was released!
‘Penumbra: Black Plague’ Developer Diary #1
Black Plague is a sequel, however we did not just want to settle with what we had and only make minor improvements. Instead we aimed to really evolve as game creators and that has meant identifying imperfections in our previous game and remove them completely.
A-Vault interview with new info and screens from Penumbra: Black Plague
A quick news post about an interview that you can find over at Adrenaline Vault.
Adventure Conference 2007
This years Adventure Conference is taking place next week, starting Wednesday the 28th 17.00 GMT to be exact. As this is an online event everyone interested can participate!
‘Penumbra: Black Plague’ Facts & Features
Penumbra: Black Plague is a creepy and dark psychological horror experience featuring the adventures of Philip as he sets of in search of his dead father. Trapped in a shadowy, underground complex, intrepid explorer Philip is determined to discover the truth behind his father’s disappearance.
Penumbra: Black Plague to be published worldwide Q1 2008
Paradox Interactive seize publishing rights for Penumbra sequel Penumbra: Black Plague to be published worldwide next year.