After writing the previous post on pre-pass lighting I started doing some tests, to see how it compares to the old deferred renderer. The results that I got where pretty interesting, so thought I might as well share them. Also note that this post might be a bit more technical than the previous.
Tech Feature: Pre-pass lighting
Progress on the new engine, HPL3, is coming along nicely and recently I changed the core rendering system into something called Pre-pass lighting. This switch has been made for a number of reasons, but before I got into that and what pre-pass lighting exactly is, I need to explain how we did it back in the “old days”.
Tech feature: Sunlight with Shadows
Now I am pretty much done with the first major feature for HPl3, the engine that will power our upcoming (and so far super secret) game. This feature is global sunlight along with shadows, a feature not implemented previously. And since it is now implemented you can bet it will an important feature for the secret game
Amnesia: TDD – Tools released and two new videos
Today we have released the tools for Amnesia: The Dark Descent. These are the tools that we used to create the game, anyone interested in game development should take a look.
Time for a smallish update
This time I won’t show a new tool, but a new feature for our good old Level Editor: Decals. These are used mainly to add nice details to the level without much sweat. Here is a little video demonstrating how these can be used.
I’m a Material Boy
Here’s the HPL Material Editor, our latest addition to the tool suite. This is what we use to create, edit and preview materials with. In a nutshell, a material is what’s gonna determine how an object is going to look like in the engine.
Maps with s-tile
This post was meant to talk a bit about the Level Editor, but first I need to tell you about something you might not know… and it’s called tilemapping.
The tools of the trade
Hi everyone! As my first post in the blog, I feel like I needed to do a little introduction. I’m Luis, I’m not that known compared to the 2 visible heads around here but I’m the other programmer here at Frictional, maybe some of you might know me from the forum, but I kinda vanished from there a while ago… But I’m here again, and this time I promise to be a little more constant than before, which shouldn’t be that hard
Coping with Optimizing
We have been pretty bad at updating this work log, mostly because we have had so darn much to do. However we want to mend that and start writing more frequently from now on!
HPL Level Editor Milestone 2: (Static) Objects in Space
I’ve been quite busy lately, so I haven’t been that able to drop by, but here I am again to show some progress on the Level Editor.