It has now been over 9 years since we released Amnesia: The Dark Descent. That is a bloody long time, and feels like we should celebrate that by talking about the craft of horror games.
Mental Models
The reality that we sense in front of us is a fiction created by our brains. A host of modules process information in various ways and the end result is a mental model of the outside world. Knowing how this works is crucial to game development as the shape of these mental simulations has a huge effect on how a game feels and plays.
Halloween sale, one week of horror
Amnesia & Penumbra are now available for as little as 5 USD! That is 75% off the regular price. You can get the games from our store and various partners on and off during the next week or so.
Happy Halloween!
Amnesia and Penumbra are massively discounted during the Halloween weekend. Why not put a game or two in the trick-or-treater’s little bucket?
Amnesia – One year later
A year has passed since we first released Amnesia and a lot has changed for us at Frictional Games since. We have gone from being pretty much out of money, to being financially stable in a way we never thought we would be. Everybody in the company has gotten raised salaries and we have more than enough money to complete our next game.
Amnesia: Post-Mortem
The story of Amnesia: The Dark Descent starts just as we were hard at work with Penumbra: Black Plague, a project that had been close to doom only a few months before. After various financial problems, Paradox Interactive had stepped in to provide the funds needed to complete the game.
See you all next year!
From all of us, to all of you,
As the year is coming to an end, we here at Frictional Games would like to take a minute to reflect.
Where is your self in a game?
When you are playing a videogame, an external observer will probably say that you are sitting in a sofa or at the computer desk. But is this really where you are? When immersed in the virtual world of a videogame, do you still feel that you are sitting on a chair or in a sofa, staring at the screen?
Penumbra: Overture goes Open Source!
It has been in our minds for quite some time and now finally it has become reality: Penumbra:Overture and the HPL1 Engine are now open source! In case that is all you need to know, then head straight to: to get your hands on it!
Penumbra: Overture, HPL1 Engine and OALWrapper released as open source
Frictional Games is proud to announce the release of the source code for our first game Penumbra: Overture, together with the source code for the engine and tools used in its creation.